Yesterday I watched The Avengers at the theater; I don't have time to write a long review, but I'll give a few of my thoughts here. I thought the movie was great (and no, not just because Scarlett Johansson, my favorite actress, is in it); naturally, the special effects and having a bunch of characters from the Marvel universe together are both awesome - how all the different movies tie in to the main storyline is very interesting. Also, unlike Captain America, which is my least favorite of the Marvel films I've watched recently (it didn't really seem to have any point to it - it just felt like eye candy), The Avengers had some powerful and thought-provoking themes woven into its plot. [Spoiler ahead] For instance, that of sacrificing one's own life to save others. At one point on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, someone (I forget who - perhaps it was Captain America) accuses Tony Stark of something along the lines of only caring about himself and not looking out for other people, but toward the end of the movie, Iron Man grabs the nuclear missile sent to destroy New York and flies with it through Loki's portal to space and destroys the alien ship with it, even though he knows it will cost him his life. It ends up not being the end of Iron Man, but you knew it couldn't be, right?[Spoiler ended]
To be continued..maybe.