Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cloudy, with a chance of great deals

Although it hasn't been what you'd call freezing, it's been a little chilly recently (in the '50s and below) here in southern NC.  Yes, I know, that's nothing.  However, it was certainly cold enough to make it harder to get out of bed in the morning and make my hands stiff and uncomfortable.  
Well, that was yesterday - it's surprising how much difference the weather can have from one day to the next.
Yesterday, until the late afternoon when the sun came out, the sky looked like this (I did some HDR editing, so it might not look exactly like what I saw):

Today it was also gray and cloudy, but much warmer than yesterday - I'm wearing a T-shirt.  It was really windy, though.

Remember, always check your local and nearby Craigslist listing for good deals.  In my case, I look for camera equipment.  Recently, multiple items including a professional lens, another lens, an old camera body and more sold for $650.  The first lens, a Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L, sells for around $1300 new, and the buyer now has it listed for $1000.  If he manages to sell everything, he's going to make a killing.
The saying goes, "If it's too good to be true, it usually isn't" is valid, but note the "usually" - things like this do come up from time to time.     


Siriana said...

Thanks for the comment :)
Love the picture!


V@WhimsyLamb said...

I like this a lot. I love moody pictures.

Maximillian said...

Thanks, all.