Friday, November 26, 2010

Multiple Photo Challenges

I may have said this before, but where are all the photo challenges and photo blogs from guys?  
Have I just not seen them or is it mostly the girls that do that? 
Not that that's necessarily a bad thing if it's true, but I was just wondering.

Anyway, here are the photo challenges:

1. Food, by Carlotta:

Moon Cake!
Even if the photo itself isn't terrific (as you might be able to tell, I did a little tonemapping to see if it would deliver better results...I'm not sure if it does or not.  
Anyway, my Chinese grandmother brought it and some other snacks/food back from Taiwan when she visited recently - it's pretty good; the filling is pineapple or something.
Here are some more dessert photos, including the original of the one above:
Moon Cake SOOC



2. Day 2: Let There Be the Heavens (Photo Challenge #2 of 7), by nzkiwigirl:

Archive photo (Nov.5):

More recent photo (Nov. 24):


Janell said...

mmm, mooncake looks yummy. The tone mapping looks great!

Maximillian said...

Thank you.

nzkiwigirl said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for entering. The clouds look amazing in the second picture...and I love the light streaming through the clouds on the first. Well done!
Have a blessed day:-)

Emily said...

I like the first cloud picture, the sun shining through the clouds is cool! :)