I'm coming to a pivotal point in my life...a doorway in which I am walking through, if you will.
I wonder what God has in store for me...
I hope to have better photos to upload sometime...we move early next month, so what will happen remains to be seen.
I've been given the Kreativ Blogger award (I can excuse the purposeful misspelling this time) by
Elizabeth, and although I'm not in the habit of passing these on, I don't mind doing them myself. Incidentally, I also got a tag from
Hannah Nicole from Aspire on Flickr,
here, so I'm killing two birds (edit: I'd actually written "words" instead of "birds") with one stone here. Please excuse the analogy - it's not like I view this as a chore or obligation that I dislike; I actually like tags when they're given out of appreciation rather than just like chain mail.
I think I'm supposed to tell ten random facts about myself, so here goes...
1. I'm fairly small, at only 5'7" and roughly 140 lbs. and not very strong either; my dad thinks I look frail.
2. I like various artistic pursuits, including photography, cinematography, drawing, songwriting, etc., although I don't know how to do the latter things and am not very skilled at the former yet.
I currently have to use freeverse as my poetic style because I'm not able to make rhyming lines that don't sound forced or cheesy and don't make it more difficult foe me to get my meaning across.
3. I like writing as well, although, as with photography, I still have so far to go to get to where I want to be.
4. It's one of my dreams/goals to be able to get to the point where I can be skilled at both photography and writing, and get into conceptual photography (fantasy-style photo manipulations, etc.) so I can have images that not only look good, but also have a meaning behind them..that tell a story...that will be art with a purpose. I want so badly to be able to do that...I wonder how long it'll take me to learn.
5. I have very little stamina, so I'm basically weak and tire easily. :P
6. I like dark colors: black is my favorite color, and I also like dark gray and some shades of dark blue and red, although there are a few others.
7. My favorite numbers are 13, 7, and 3.
8. Some like collecting coins, stamps, etc. I like collecting dice and marbles, both of which I like using in macro shots.
9. Telekinesis (and being able to fly, as an application of it) would allow me to create some totally awesome photos...ok, that's not really a fact about me. Fact: I have four brothers and three sisters, all younger than I am.
10. I don't get see any of my close friends very often, but I am very glad for my online friends; you're all so very nice and encouraging - I wish I could meet you all in person. :)
Well, that's it for now...
Thanks again, Elizabeth. :)