I'm coming to a pivotal point in my life...a doorway in which I am walking through, if you will.
I wonder what God has in store for me...
I hope to have better photos to upload sometime...we move early next month, so what will happen remains to be seen.
I've been given the Kreativ Blogger award (I can excuse the purposeful misspelling this time) by Elizabeth, and although I'm not in the habit of passing these on, I don't mind doing them myself. Incidentally, I also got a tag from Hannah Nicole from Aspire on Flickr, here, so I'm killing two birds (edit: I'd actually written "words" instead of "birds") with one stone here. Please excuse the analogy - it's not like I view this as a chore or obligation that I dislike; I actually like tags when they're given out of appreciation rather than just like chain mail.
I think I'm supposed to tell ten random facts about myself, so here goes...
1. I'm fairly small, at only 5'7" and roughly 140 lbs. and not very strong either; my dad thinks I look frail.
2. I like various artistic pursuits, including photography, cinematography, drawing, songwriting, etc., although I don't know how to do the latter things and am not very skilled at the former yet.
I currently have to use freeverse as my poetic style because I'm not able to make rhyming lines that don't sound forced or cheesy and don't make it more difficult foe me to get my meaning across. 3. I like writing as well, although, as with photography, I still have so far to go to get to where I want to be.
4. It's one of my dreams/goals to be able to get to the point where I can be skilled at both photography and writing, and get into conceptual photography (fantasy-style photo manipulations, etc.) so I can have images that not only look good, but also have a meaning behind them..that tell a story...that will be art with a purpose. I want so badly to be able to do that...I wonder how long it'll take me to learn.
5. I have very little stamina, so I'm basically weak and tire easily. :P
6. I like dark colors: black is my favorite color, and I also like dark gray and some shades of dark blue and red, although there are a few others.
7. My favorite numbers are 13, 7, and 3.
8. Some like collecting coins, stamps, etc. I like collecting dice and marbles, both of which I like using in macro shots.
9. Telekinesis (and being able to fly, as an application of it) would allow me to create some totally awesome photos...ok, that's not really a fact about me. Fact: I have four brothers and three sisters, all younger than I am.
10. I don't get see any of my close friends very often, but I am very glad for my online friends; you're all so very nice and encouraging - I wish I could meet you all in person. :)
Well, that's it for now...
Thanks again, Elizabeth. :)

Thanks, Riah...I take it that's a compliment, or were you wondering about something I wrote?
Compliment, definitely :)
Thank you. :)
1. Lol, my mom says I look gaunt :-P. 140 sounds healthy to me… lately I've been trying out protein shakes and ensure, trying to gain some weight per doctors' recommendations. If you truly are weak, know you've not alone :-P.
2. You're a better photographer than you give yourself credit for :).
3. Writing, while something I enjoy, is something I will probably never do professionally… it took me weeks to write my thank you notes for graduation gifts, because I didn't feel they were perfect xD.
4. That's amazing! I would love to see what you do with that interest in the future!
5. Earlier this week, my family spent time at Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, and they have these lily pads across the pool with a net over the top, so you can walk across, and my sister and I raced a couple times… my arms are still stiff and sore! Haha, I'm glad I'm not alone in the stamina-less department xD. Sorry. Lol.
6. My favorites are black and deep purples/eggplant :).
7. Never been a 3 fan, but love 7 and 13.
8. I love your shots of marbles! That is so cool that you collect :).
9. Haha, that non-fact is pretty interesting :D. And dang you have a lot of siblings… you already know all about mine ;).
10. Aww :). Same here… I just got together with some of my friends from filming, which was awesome, but beyond that haven't done anything with any of my school friends in months. We've all just grown so far apart :(.
Enjoyed reading more about you :). And you're very welcome!
Oh, and this didn't bore me a bit :)
1) My dad is also always telling me I'm going to get fat soon if I don't start exercising, and he's right, unfortunately...
2) Thank you. :)
3) I might not pursue writing as a profession, but I still want to have good writing skills, partly so I can write words in a poetic style to accompany the images I create (i.e. #4). Also, I'd like to at least write one novel.
4) I certainly hope I can get to that point soon...
5) Ah yes, we've been there before as well. My favorite time at a Great Wolf Lodge (each time we went, it was with my dad's work, since they paid for it if we got chosen to go) was at one in Virginia, where we went at Christmastime and watched/heard a chorus/choir sing carols (I think they were all teenagers)...some sang very well, and one girl was kind of pretty - ha, why am I saying that?
Anyway, I remember that thing, but I don't remember if I did it myself or if I did, how good I was at it...years ago, I used to be decent at the same kind of thing at a hotel in Guam, but the floating stepping pads were not very large, and there was nothing to hold on to - I beat the rest of my family at that since I managed to run across and back and across again or something like that.
How did you like it at the Great Wolf Lodge? Not as much as if I had been there to say hi, I imagine. ;)
6) That sounds kind of cool...it reminds me of the dress Siri had a picture of in her blog post, here. Black, dark purple, red, etc. I think that look can be kind of cool depending on if it's done well (in my opinion) - if not, it can be kind of creepy.
7) Very nice, very nice. :)
8) Thanks. :) Do you have any collecting fascinations as well?
My brothers and sisters often give me dice (and pawns and other playing pieces, which I don't really like) from old board games, and although I have a few different kinds, I like the black dice with red dots from Axis & Allies the best, but the rest of the family would not be happy if I took those. :)
9) Along with teleportation (so I could see all of my friends in person, among other things) and telepathy/mindreading, those are my favorite "special abilities"; all the "tele" things.
10)Was that fun? That's too bad...I guess that's the way it goes most of the time; unless you still live next to close friends, you'll probably go on your separate ways eventually... :~\
Thank you very much, Elizabeth. :)
LOVE this picture!!!! so nice.
ooohh? a big decision?? do tell us what it is when it's all sorted out.
i know what you mean about not seeing close friends very often!
most of my close friends are on the other side of the world:-(
but hey, that is what blogging is for right?
nice post maxi-boy!
Thanks, Jess!
Well, you might be waiting for a while, and the "big decision" isn't quite as impressive as it sounds, so I'll just tell you now.
It's just that when we move in a few weeks, I'm going to have to find a full-time job and try to start a career or hopefully a photography business, and I'd like to be married by the time I'm 21, but that might just be wishful thinking, especially since it leaves me with only two years to get prepared... So the "big decisions" are a job, getting married, and the rest of the decisions and responsibilities that come with adulthood. Not quite as interesting as I made it sound in the post, eh?
Oh, and Jess,
I agree, that's definitely one thing blogging is for. :) I don't see any of my close friends very often, and some of my closest friends I've never met in person, but although I wish I could meet all of them, that fact doesn't make them any less important to me.
Great! I'm on it Maxi-boy. I'll find you a wife! Then I'll send her over to America. Brown eyes or blue? Short or Tall??? LOL!
Ooohh...can't wait to see when you get your photography business all set up:-)
I really want to set up one too, but I'll wait till I get my SLR;-)
Meanwhile I'm setting up another business!
The match-making business...no, just kidding.
I'll be telling everyone on Yours Truly when it's all ready for peeps to see. So keep an eye out!
I may have told you before, for girls to have, I like the cute Kiwi accent like Hayley has the best. So that's a great idea - go back to your native Kiwiland and find a pretty girl who has a cute accent and a beautiful voice like hers. :D
Hm, let me see: preferably blue or green eyes, blond or red hair, and although being tall makes some people look more attractive, I'm only 5'7", so that wouldn't work - how about 5'6" or 5'7" for her?
So let's see how well you do with this matchmaking business. ;)
Anyway, I'm still pretty busy and don't have as much time to be online as I'd like (I can't wait to be finished with this moving business :P ), but I'll still check your Yours Truly every so often to see if you've announced the new business. You really should get a DSLR soon (a Canon, so I can give you some advice :)! Remember, if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Lol, wow that's a tall order!
But I'll see what I can do. Kiwi girls are generally very independently spirited, so you'll have to deal with that maxi-boy!
Me + match-making =
...yeah, haven't got round to what it equals yet. JK
Anyway. How's life boy-chap?
Hehe, that would make things interesting. :)
Well, I'm packing right now since we're leaving tomorrow if we can everything ready for moving; if not, it'll be the day after. What about you?
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