Saturday, June 27, 2009

My brother's birthday party/picnic

Today was a hot, humid day as usual, but anyway, we had sort of an informal birthday party/picnic for my younger brother, Lucas, who is turning 13 on July 5th. Oh, yeah, it was at Arnette Park. (I can't remember if I spelled that correctly)
The younger kids, including him, went prepared to have a water gun fight, but naturally, that didn't last long. First, the kids started squirting each other, then they started tossing water balloons, and finally, the whole thing simply devolved into all the kids filling up their buckets under the faucet and dumping and flinging the water on each other. Naturally.
This lasted for a very long time, and the puddle around the faucet grew larger and larger until there was a miniature lake in the dirt parking lot.
There were other fun things at the park, including tennis courts, volleyball courts, and Frisbee golf.
I only got to try Frisbee golf, but that turned out to be pretty fun...even though I have a penchant for hitting the goal's chains or part of the post with my Frisbee and not dropping in the goal basket.
As for volleyball, well, perhaps it's just as well I didn't get a chance to play. It's more fun to play (albeit not to watch) when you have more than a couple of people. Four to five people on a team usually works well. It also helps if the people playing are decently good at volleyball. :)
Well, I've got to start getting ready for bed now.

Take care, everyone. Be aware and be ready for anything.
-Max out.

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