Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Off to Chicago

Yes, that's right; tomorrow we're heading to Chicago for a few days because of my cousin's boot camp graduation. I might do something worth writing about there or get some decent photos, but for now, here are some photos I've taken recently. I know, seeing multiple edits can be annoying, but any feedback as to which ones look the best would be greatly appreciated. If you want to see some images created by someone who really has amazing photography/editing skills, you should take a look at Lula's blog and Flickr photostream. I actually took the first photo below for the current photo contest for her Flickr group, which I'm a part of - the current theme is "goodbye." I think I will mention various photographers I admire from time to time so you can take a look and possibly be impressed. With that being said, you should definitely check out Rob Woodcox's work; he's says his style is surreal conceptual portraiture, and his images are amazing. I'll probably mention some other photographers I really like in my next post.

Click this image to see it on Flickr, where I tell more about the meaning behind it.
The Departure

Although automotive photography isn't my favorite "genre", I still photograph cars from time to time. We passed by a car show the other day, and here are some photos I got there.

Sorry for posting so many images at one time...but I thought perhaps someone might give their opinion on which they think are the best and why.


Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

don't ever ever apologize for posting photographs! You're such an amazing artist.


Maximillian said...

Why, thank you Bleah! :)

Imogen said...

I love your photos! The black and white car photos are awesome, especially the first two. It's so interesting to see the difference between the coloured photos and the black and white ones with your other photos. I especially love the once where the light is coming through the clouds. After much deliberation, I decided that I like the second version fractionally better.

Good job!

Maximillian said...

Thanks you, Imogen. :)
I'm not anywhere near as good as many photographers I know, nor as skilled as I hope to be, but at least learning a bit about Photoshop has gone a ways toward improving the quality of my photos.

Miah said...

Oh wow, pick a favorite? I like the eigth down (counting the large photo). Something about the lighting, the muted tones, the angle and your position in the picture. Your posture suggests that your curious maybe, but determind and the muted tones with light contrast are almost calming, making you focus on the subject. Or maybe I'm over analyzing :) Feel free to laugh now :)

Maximillian said...

I'm cautious and determined with a blade in each hand, eh? Thanks. :)
I spent some time in Photoshop with these, so I'm glad thet turned out ok.

Maximillian said...

I'm cautious and determined with a blade in each hand, eh? Thanks. :)
I spent some time in Photoshop with these, so I'm glad thet turned out ok.

Miah said...

Ok, in my defense, you can only see one blade in my favorite photo and I meant curious and determined, if I said cautious I apologize :) Plus, I did say I over thought it ;)
You have Photoshop?! Which version? I don't have Photoshop...

Mylena said...

That is so funny that your leaving the state to go somewhere far away, because I just arrived in Indiana yesterday. I am visiting some relatives with my sister Rebecca.

Don't worry about posting "too many photos" on you blog, thats the best kind of blogging in my eyes! Please tell your sisters that I said Hi, and please tell the rest of your family the same.


Maximillian said...

Riah, I wasn't offended in any way, and I made a mistake, you did say "curious", which is probably what I meant to say. Being either curious or cautious can be a good thing, anyway. It's just that I think I felt that I wasn't conveying the feel I wanted if you thought I appeared to be simply curious, especially armed like that. And you're right about that as well; you can't really see the "knife" in my left hand.
I use Photoshop CS5... my brother found a file that simply takes away the 30-day expiration from the free trial version (shhh, don't tell anyone ;) I hear you can do a lot of advanced editing with GIMP, but it's more complicated.

Thanks, Mylena.

Miah said...

Maybe you were conveying the feeling to everybody else and maybe I was interpreting it way wrong :) Your brother "found a file"? :) Hum, I am tempted to borrow that file. I was just looking at how much Photoshop would cost since I need it for my schooling. It is way way too expensive. The school said I could use Elements if I wanted to and since it's a whole lot cheaper, I want too! I use Gimp and Picnik for editing, mostly Picnik since Gimp tends to slow and even crash my dinosaur laptop.

Maximillian said...

Oh yes, Photoshop is quite pricey if you buy it without any discounts, but I think that's what my gradfather did recently.
Sometimes my desktop doesn't have enough RAM to save a file in CS5, but even doing anything with it on my super-slow netbook is basically impossible. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to do layer masks in PS...I think Photoshop really is an essential tool for most digital photographers; some use Lightroom, but since I want to do photo manipulations, PS is the one to use.