Monday, May 2, 2011

After May Day comes Macro Monday

I haven't taken any good photos recently, but I have lots of ideas...if only I can bring them to fruition.
Here are a couple I've used for other linkups I think are actually halfway decent; they're way better than some I took earlier today of flowers in my front yard:

Fallen Rain



Here's yet another familiar I've used before (for Macro Monday), so it might look familiar:


Kala said...

Wonderful tones and bokeh in these images.

Happy Macro Monday

A.Barlow said...

I like'em, nice!

It's good to hear ya have ideas. I think that's what keeps people coming back to take more photos! I have a little notebook with a list of ideas for shots. Maybe give that a try. It came get your creative juices flowing.

Miah said...


Karen said...

Beautiful shots and I like them and B&W.

allie k reid said...

LOVE the first and the last photos! So pretty! Thanks for linking up! :)

Maximillian said...


Thank you. I guess having ideas and not being able to implement them is better than having mad skills and no creativity, since skills can be learned...

Thanks. :)

Thank you; I thought they looked better in b&w as well, which is why I didn't post the color versions this time.

Maximillian said...

Thank you. :)
You're welcome.

Bella Skye said...

Wow those are spectacular shots! Good job :)

Anonymous said...

I love how the b+w of the first ones make the droplets stand out. The flower one is very pretty - I like the DOF. :)

Sveta said...

Love the water drop in the first shot! All of them are beautiful though....

Maximillian said...

Thank you. :)

Thanks. :)

Maximillian said...

Thank you also. :)

Tiffany said...

Great shots, the color on the flower is beautiful.


Kkly said...

Lovely tones and focus on the flower!

Maximillian said...

Tiffany and Kimberly,
Thank you both. :)

Christina said...

I just love this picture! It's so simple and so beautiful. :)

Marian said...

Love macro! The B&W ones are gorgeous, and the colors in the 3rd one are lovely.

Maximillian said...

Thank you. :)
