Tomorrow I will not be a teenager any longer. Hooray. Birthdays are highly overrated, as you've probably discovered, but if I have a good amount of money in a year, my 21st birthday might be better since I'll be able to get a handgun and other cool stuff like that. :)
Ok, enough about me for now
Micro Moo (a.k.a. Buttercup):
It's 1:05 am so.... HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY!!! First Lys, now you... Gosh y'all are sooooooo old :)
Thanks Riah! :) Ha, so what does that make you since you're only a month younger? ;)
I tried to add some more stuff to this post but it didn' work for some reason...for instance, my IG rose photos and the info that I've recently got pre-braces jaw wideners (or whatever they're called), which make eating and talking difficult; some time in the future I'll get these off and get braces, but I won't be done with stuff in my mouth until at least two years from now. In the unlikely event you ever meet me some time before them, the lisp or whatever it sounds like I have is caused by the device in my mouth - I doubt have a cool or suave-sounding voice normally, but at least I can usually be understood easily most of the time if I try. :P
Ehem... that makes me a month younger than "sooooo old", thank you very much :p Mwhahaha
Ok with the jaw widerners (or is that palette adjusters?) - yeah that sounds both painful and annoying! One of my friends from church had a palette adjuster and she lisped for quite awhile. Thankfully, after they pulled four teeth I was done and could just have braces put on. I didn't need anything else done. The only thing besides braces they did was after the braces were put on my orthodontist said my over-bit was bad enough that I could bite down on the bottom braces so he glues these blue plastic (I think) round pieces to two of my top teeth (one on each side) so I couldn't bite down. Yeah I can't close my teeth together. And no chewing when you can't close your teeth. It's not fun!!
How long before the torture device (jaw widener) comes off? And did you say you were in braces before? Why are you going back in them?
Hi, um, I'm not the best at leaving comments on peoples blogs but, I love the pictures, and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!
Hahaha, so it does. :D
Actually, for the most part, the palette adjuster doesn't hurt my teeth or other stuff right now; it's just an inconvenience. When I first got it put on, it was kind of painful and reminded me of when I got my teeth removed - a little bit afterwards on that day, when my mouth was aching horribly. I suppose when I get the palette adjuster for my bottom teeth it'll hurt at first as well but I'll get used to it. I already got my wisdom teeth removed (I just had a local anesthetic, not an oral sedation, and the shots hurt, the teeth getting pulled out hurt, and my mouth hurt for most of the day afterwards - i wonder if it was because I didn't take any pain medication) and it was an experience I hope to not have go through again; I think I'd have had to have more teeth yanked out. :P
I don't know when I get them off and get braces on...I'll have to check. Wow, you can't even bite down? That must be no fun at all. I used to have braces on my top teeth, but my orthodontist at that time was either an idiot or greedy/sneaky/unscrupulous and put braces on my top teeth when I either had a baby tooth still in or had just lost one, so my adult tooth came in afterwards and messed up the whole thing. Also, I should have had my bottom teeth fixed at the same time...
Thank you! That was very nice of you to say. :)
Oh - I didn't need a palette adjuster thankfully, I also didn't need wisdom teeth removed. I only have my top two anyway and they are positioned perfectly (although still incased in gums) and shouldn't move or cause any trouble. I had first bicuspids removed.
Nope, although I have gotten better at chewing, I think about half my food goes down nearly whole... :) Ok, yeah gross. I should stop now.
Oh goodness - that orthodontist sounds mildly suspicious. I would be worried about it if I only had braces on my top teeth. Of course my bottom teeth are in worse condition, but still. Actually in my case, basically we only need to move the front bottom and top teeth, so the back brackets are only on to anchor the front ones. In fact, last night I had to run to the orthodontist because the back, bottom, left wire came unbent or something and was sticking strait up. He couldnt get it to bend back so he clipped it past the very last bracket. Now there is not wire connecting the last and second to last bracket. Apparently this wont be a big deal as I wont need the wire threaded all the way through until the wire is thicker.
Ah, that's good your teeth are doing ok and you're adjusting to your dental device.
That's not really if you'd said you eat bugs or something, that might gross me out - many bugs creep/gross me out, especially when they're big and there are a lot of them (Skull Island in King Kong would be terrifying for me - it's an exception to my general rule of "if I can see it and I can kill it and I have weapons like an AA-12, I won't really fear it...but then, I'd run out of ammo and there would still be hordes of the things...). :O
Oh gosh - did you ever watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? Oh my gosh, the heart being pulled out of the guy still beating didn't bother me, but the bugs! Oh my gosh, I would have so freaked. Indiana Jones would have probably died, because I would never have gone in there, ever.
Unfortunately, yes. Along with the Jet Li Kung Fu movie, The Legend of the Swordsman (and a few others), I think it was one of the stupidest movies I have ever watched. :P
I don't remember the part with bugs you're talking about, but I do remember the part where beetles and other "delicacies" were being served for dinner - if I was at that table, I think I'd throw "good manners and politeness" to the winds and evacuate to where I could find some non-gross things to eat. Just thinking about going into a room full of bugs gives me the shivers...and the silly thing is it's a pretty irrational fear since even roaches can't actually hurt me. :P
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