Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday photo challenges

Bokeh photos:
The first one (an old favorite) will be my entry, but I thought I'd add some more as well, just so everyone can see them.
Losing Focus

There's a little bit of lens flare or something in this one, but I don't think it's particularly noticeable.

One White Rose

Moon (but you knew that already)

Finally, I am finished.  Now I am going to bed.


Kala said...

Lovely detail in the image of the white rose.

Nicolette said...

Love the photo of the white rose... really beautiful.

nzkiwigirl said...

All of those pictures are REALLY good! The dandelion ones are great.
How did you take that moon one so well? I'm awful at night photography...any tips?
Thanks for entering again!
God bless

Hootin Anni said...

Most definitely an accolade and NOT lemonade here!! Wonderful photos.

Santa Centerpiece Do stop by sometime this week, I have a special hand made giveaway going on right now!!!

Kaela said...

Those are beautiful! I really love the 3rd and 5th. Great job!

nzkiwigirl said...

BTW, your text link worked!

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

I love that 3rd photo down with the dandelion the best. Your moon shot is really good too. I saw your detailed comment over on Yours Truely and came over from there.

Ashley Sisk said...

I love the first few shots...the detail you've captured is really nice.

Maximillian said...
